Life in Fargo

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Signs of Spring

The picture below is of some buds from a Japanese Tree Lilac in our front yard. The interesting part is that a month ago the buds were about half that size. So... it appears that after another 10 days or so of warmer weather it'll start pushing new leaves. However, this tree will not start flowering until mid June. I don't expect much flower display this year, as it was just planted last August.

It's always nice to see signs of spring each year after the snow receeds. The picture below is of a Blue False Indigo, it's just starting to peek out of the ground. I spent a few minutes yesterday uncovering a few perennials from their winter woodchip cover. Doing this will help the soil warm up a bit quicker, which will get the plants going a bit quicker.

Friday, April 13, 2007

News of the Day

Hi gang, I know, it's been quite a while since our last post. I'll attempt to fill in the major events that we've had the past three weeks.

1. Nicole was sick for a bit.
2. Then she threw out her back, had to miss work for a week.
3. Then Allen picked up the bug, he missed work for 3 days, still not quite up to par, but close.
4. Allen is getting closer to finishing classes for the semester.
5. Finished our taxes on Tuesday, gotta love procrastination.
6. Another discovery, after Economics last night, a majority of us went to the Bison Turf - it's still pretty much exactly the same since I was in it last.

Work has been good, our bare root tree shipment of trees is supposed to arrive today, we'll see if that happens. Since it's Friday the 13th, our bet is that the truck will arrive around 3:15ish (we're off work at 3:30). The snow is finally starting to melt away, hopefully for good, we have so many plans for the yard this year. Good stuff.

Enjoy spring time!